Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tovaxin -- My personal timeline in the FDA trials for an MS vaccine

Hi, my name is Tim, and I have MS. I was in my third year of college when I was diagnosed, and I was not able to return to school.

I seem to have a fairly aggressive form of MS. I had several attacks in rapid succession with no apparent remission. I was on Avonex for a year, but it made me feel worse. I didn’t feel it was of any benefit, so I discontinued it.

My father is a biostatistician, and after searching all of the medical journals back to 1992 and flowcharting what research looked most promising, he enrolled me in a vaccine study that we hoped would halt the progression of the disease.

I received my first treatment on November 14, 2003, and the treatments exceeded all of both my father’s expectations and mine. The treatment is nothing more than receiving a flu shot. I am not hooked up to a bunch of tubes, I am not in the hospital, and other than having to sit around for an hour after the shot, there is nothing to it.

The vaccine not only appears to have stopped the disease, but I have had about a 25 to 30% disease reversal. I am doing many things that I have not been able to do for years. I no longer mind going to the shopping mall or out to dinner. When I would go out before I started the vaccine study, people would stare at me, and because of my staggered walk, some people would come up to me and accuse me of being drunk.

My father has kept a journal on my progress since I started the study. He is one of those science guys and must record findings and analyze what is going on. Myself, I am thrilled at the results I have had so far, and I can tell from the enthusiasm of the people doing the study, that they feel this may be a cure for MS.

I will paste in my father’s timeline of me and update it as things change, either better or worse. You can email me at tim@ihavems.com and I will post questions and answers in the FAQ part of the website.

On the links page, I will put links to the company making the vaccine, the doctor carrying out the study, the doctor who created the vaccine, and some links to articles about the vaccine that were written in the late 1990’s.

As I mentioned earlier, my father searched the medical journals back to 1992, and worked forward from there to determine which research looked most promising. Dr. Zhang, the doctor who created this vaccine approach, had done a study in Belgium and had treated 114 patients at Baylor School of Medicine. The linked articles are about the results of the 114 patients that were treated at Baylor.

Dr. Zhang has written almost 100 articles. The articles that I have linked are ones that were reported by Ivanhoe Newswire, which is a medical information service that reviews what is current medical news.
